PyQwt Reference Guide ********************* .. module:: PyQt4.Qwt5 :mod:`PyQt4.Qwt5` ================= The reference should be used in conjunction with the `Qwt manual `_. Only the differences specific to the Python bindings are documented here. In this chapter, **is not yet implemented** implies that the feature can be easily implemented if needed, **is not implemented** implies that the feature is not easily implemented, and **is not Pythonic** implies that the feature will not be implemented because it violates the Python philosophy (e.g. may use dangling pointers). If a class is described as being **is fully implemented** then all non-private member functions and all public class variables have been implemented. Undocumented classes have not yet been implemented or are still experimental. Class reference --------------- .. class:: QwtAbstractScale is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtAbstractScaleDraw is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtAbstractSlider is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtAlphaColorMap is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtArrayData is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtArrayDouble is fully implemented. See :ref:`template-reference-label`. .. class:: QwtArrayInt is fully implemented. See :ref:`template-reference-label`. .. class:: QwtArrayQwtDoubleInterval is fully implemented. See :ref:`template-reference-label`. .. class:: QwtArrayQwtDoublePoint is fully implemented. See :ref:`template-reference-label`. .. class:: QwtArrowButton is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtClipper is fully implemented, but only available when PyQwt wraps Qwt-5.1.x. .. class:: QwtColorMap is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtCompass is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtCompassMagnetNeedle is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtCompassRose is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtCompassWindArrow is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtCounter is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtCurveFitter is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtData is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtDial is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtDialNeedle is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtDialScaleDraw is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtDialSimpleNeedle is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtDoubleInterval is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtDoublePoint is fully implemented, but only available when PyQt wraps Qt-3. When PyQt wraps Qt-4, replace this class with `QPointF` except in signals. For example, clicking in the canvas of the plot displayed by the following program:: #!/usr/bin/env python import sys from PyQt4 import Qt import PyQt4.Qwt5 as Qwt def aSlot(aQPointF): print 'aSlot gets:', aQPointF # aSlot() def make(): demo = Qwt.QwtPlot() picker = Qwt.QwtPlotPicker(Qwt.QwtPlot.xBottom, Qwt.QwtPlot.yLeft, Qwt.QwtPicker.PointSelection, Qwt.QwtPlotPicker.CrossRubberBand, Qwt.QwtPicker.AlwaysOn, demo.canvas()) picker.connect( picker, Qt.SIGNAL('selected(const QwtDoublePoint&)'), aSlot) return demo # make() def main(args): app = Qt.QApplication(args) demo = make() sys.exit(app.exec_()) # main() if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv) # Local Variables: *** # mode: python *** # End: *** shows that the signal returns an object of type `QPointF`:: aSlot gets: .. class:: QwtDoubleRange is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtDoubleRect is fully implemented, but only available when PyQt wraps Qt-3. When PyQt wraps Qt-4, replace this class with `QRectF` except in signals: see :class:`.QwtDoublePoint`. .. class:: QwtDoubleSize is fully implemented, but only available when PyQt wraps Qt-3. When PyQt wraps Qt-4, replace this class with `QSizeF` except in signals: see :class:`.QwtDoublePoint`. .. class:: QwtDynGridLayout is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtEventPattern is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtIntervalData is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtKnob is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtLegend is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtLegendItem is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtLegendItemManager is fully implemented, but only available when PyQwt wraps Qwt-5.1.x. .. class:: QwtLinearColorMap is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtLinearScaleEngine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtLog10ScaleEngine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtLegendMagnifier is fully implemented, but only available when PyQwt wraps Qwt-5.1.x. .. class:: QwtMetricsMap is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPaintBuffer is fully implemented when PyQt wraps Qt-3. .. class:: QwtPainter is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPanner is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPicker is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPickerClickPointMachine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPickerClickRectMachine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPickerDragPointMachine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPickerDragRectMachine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPickerMachine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPickerPolygonMachine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlainTextEngine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlot is fully implemented, but: .. cpp:function:: void QwtPlot::print(QPrinter &printer, const QwtPlotPrintFilter &filter) is implemented as:: plot.print_(printer, filter) .. cpp:function:: void QwtPlot::print(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, const QwtPlotPrintFilter &filter) is implemented as:: plot.print_(painter, rect, filter) .. class:: QwtPlotCanvas is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotCurve is fully implemented, but: .. cpp:function:: void QwtPlotCurve::setData(double *x, double *y, int size) is implemented as:: curve.setData(x, y) where `x` and `y` can be any combination of lists, tuples and Numerical Python arrays. The data is copied to C++ data types. .. cpp:function:: void QwtPlotCurve::setRawData(double *x, double *y, int size) is not Pythonic. .. class:: QwtPlotDict is fully implemented. FIXME: is the auto delete feature dangerous? .. class:: QwtPlotGrid is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotItem is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotLayout is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotMagnifier is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotMarker is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotPanner is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotPicker is fully implemented, but: .. cpp:function:: QwtText QwtPlotPicker::trackerText(QwtDoublePoint &point) is implemented as:: qwtText = plotPicker.trackerText(point) where `point` is a :class:`.QwtDoublePoint` when PyQt wraps Qt-3 or a :class:`QPointF` when PyQt wraps Qt-4. .. class:: QwtPlotPrintFilter is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotRasterItem is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotScaleItem is fully implemented, but only available when PyQwt wraps Qwt-5.1.x. .. class:: QwtPlotSpectrogram The protected member functions .. cpp:function:: QMap QwtPlotSpectogram::renderContourLines(const QwtDoubleRect&, const QSize&) const and .. cpp:function:: void QwtPlotSpectogram::drawContourLines(QPainter*, const QwtScaleMap&, const QwtScaleMap&, const QMap&) const are not yet implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotSvgItem is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPlotZoomer is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtPolygon When PyQt wraps Qt-3, replace this class with `QPointArray` except in signals: see :class:`.QwtDoublePoint`. When PyQt has been built for Qt-4, replace this class with `QPolygon` except in signals: see :class:`.QwtDoublePoint`. .. class:: QwtPolygonFData is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtRasterData is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtRect is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtRichTextEngine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtRoundScaleDraw is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtScaleArithmic is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtScaleDiv .. cpp:function:: QwtScaleDiv::QwtScaleDiv(const QwtDoubleInterval&, QwtValueList*) is implemented as:: scaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv( qwtDoubleInterval, majorTicks, mediumTicks, minorTicks) .. cpp:function:: QwtScaleDiv::QwtScaleDiv(double, double, QwtTickList*) is implemented as:: scaleDiv = QwtScaleDiv( lower, upper, majorTicks, mediumTicks, minorTicks) .. class:: QwtScaleDraw is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtScaleEngine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtScaleMap is fully implemented. .. cpp:function:: QwtScaleMap::QwtScaleMap(int, int, double, double) does not exist in C++, but is provided by PyQwt. .. class:: QwtScaleTransformation is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtScaleWidget is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtSimpleCompassRose is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtSlider is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtSpline is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtSplineCurveFitter is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtSymbol is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtText is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtTextEngine is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtTextLabel is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtThermo is fully implemented. .. class:: QwtWheel is fully implemented. Function reference ------------------ .. function:: toImage(array) Convert `array` to a `QImage`, where `array` must be a 2D NumPy, numarray, or Numeric array containing data of type uint8 or uin32. .. function:: toNumarray(image) Convert `image` to a 2D numarray array, where `image` must be a `QImage` with depth 8 or 32. The resulting 2D numarray array contains data of type uint8 or uint32. .. function:: toNumeric(image) Convert `image` to a 2D Numeric array, where `image` must be a `QImage` of depth 8 or 32. The resulting 2D Numeric array contains data of type uint8 or uint32. .. function:: toNumpy(image) Convert `image` to a 2D NumPy array, where `image` must be a `QImage` of depth 8 or 32. The resulting 2D NumPy array contains data of type uint8 or uint32. .. function:: to_na_array(image) Deprecated. Use :func:`toNumarray`. .. function:: to_np_array(image) Deprecated. Use :func:`toNumeric`. .. _template-reference-label: Template reference ------------------ PyQwt has a partial interface to the following `QwtArray` templates: #. :class:`QwtArrayDouble` for `QwtArray` #. :class:`QwtArrayInt` for `QwtArray` #. :class:`QwtArrayQwtDoubleInterval` for `QwtArray` #. :class:`QwtArrayQwtDoublePoint` for `QwtArray` when PyQt has been built against Qt-3 or for `QwtArray` when PyQt has been built against Qt-4. Those classes have at least 3 constructors, taking `QwtArrayDouble` as an example: #. ``array = QwtArrayDouble()`` #. ``array = QwtArrayDouble(int)`` #. ``array = QwtArrayDouble(otherArray)`` ``QwtArrayDouble`` and ``QwtArrayInt`` have also a constructor which takes a sequence of items convertable to a C++ double and a C++ long. For instance: - ``array = QwtArrayDouble(numpy.array([0.0, 1.0]))`` - ``array = QwtArrayInt(numpy.array([0, 1]))`` All those classes have 16 member functions, taking QwtArrayDouble as example: #. ``array = array.assign(otherArray)`` #. ``item =`` #. ``index = array.bsearch(item)`` #. ``index = contains(item)`` #. ``array = otherArray.copy()`` #. ``result = array.count()`` #. ``array.detach()`` #. ``array = array.duplicate(otherArray)`` #. ``bool = array.fill(item, index=-1)`` #. ``index = array.find(item, index=0)`` #. ``bool = array.isEmpty()`` #. ``bool = array.isNull()`` #. ``bool = array.resize(index)`` #. ``result = array.size()`` #. ``array.sort()`` #. ``bool = array.truncate(index)`` Iterators are not yet implemented. However, the implementation of the special class methods ``__getitem__``, ``__len__`` and ``__setitem__`` let you use those classes almost as a sequence. For instance:: >>> from PyQt4.Qwt5 import * >>> import numpy as np >>> a = QwtArrayDouble(np.arange(10, 20, 4)) >>> for i in a: # thanks to __getitem__ ... print i ... 10.0 14.0 18.0 >>> for i in range(len(a)): # thanks to __len__ ... print a[i] # thanks to __getitem__ ... 10.0 14.0 18.0 >>> for i in range(len(a)): # thanks to __len__ ... a[i] = 10+3*i # thanks to __setitem__ ... >>> for i in a: # thanks to __getitem__ ... print i ... 10.0 13.0 16.0 :mod:`PyQt4.Qwt5.qplt` ====================== .. automodule:: PyQt4.Qwt5.qplt .. autoclass:: Axis :members: .. autoclass:: Curve :members: .. autoclass:: IPlot :members: .. autoclass:: Pen :members: .. autoclass:: Plot :members: .. autoclass:: Symbol :members: :mod:`PyQt4.Qwt5.grace` ======================= .. automodule:: PyQt4.Qwt5.grace .. autoclass:: GraceProcess :members: