3.3 Function reference

plot( x, y, function, title='', labels=('x', 'y', 'z'))
Returns a plot of function(x, y)

Here, x and y are vectors, function is function of two variables, title as string and labels a sequence of three strings.

The axes are scaled to make the axis frame cubic.

save( plot3d, name, format, landscape=VectorWriter.OFF, textmode=VectorWriter.NATIVE, sortmode=sortmode=VectorWriter.BSPSORT)
Saves a snapshot of a Plot3D widget to a file.

Here, plot3d is a Plot3D widget or a widget with a Plot3D widget as child, name is the file name, and format a case-insensitive string indicating the file format. landscape can be VectorWriter.ON, VectorWriter.OFF, or VectorWriter.AUTO, textmode can be VectorWriter.PIXEL, VectorWriter.NATIVE, or VectorWriter.TEX, and sortmode can be VectorWriter.NOSORT, VectorWriter.SIMPLESORT, or VectorWriter.BSPSORT.

PyQwt3D uses GL2PS to support vector formats as EPS, EPS_GZ, PDF, PGF, PS, PS_GZ, SVG, and SVG_GZ. It uses Qt to support pixmap formats as GIF, JPEG, PNG, and others.

save returns True on success and False on failure.

const GLubyte* gl_error()
is implemented as
message = gl_error()

bool ViewPort2World(double &wx, double &wy, double &wz, double vx, double vy, double vz)
is implemented as
success, wx, wy, wz = ViewPort2World(vx, vy, vz)

bool World2ViewPort(double &vx, double &vy, double &vz, double wx, double wy, double wz)
is implemented as
success, vx, vy, vz = World2Viewport(wx, wy, wz)