3.2 Class reference

class QWidgetIntDictIt
is a wrapper for QWidgetIntDictIt and cannot be instantianated from Python, see 3.4.

class QwtAnalogClock
is fully implemented.

class QwtArrayData
is fully implemented.

 QwtArrayData( const double *x, const double *y, size_t size)
is implemented as
data = QwtArrayData(x, y)
where x and y can be any combination of lists, tuples and Numerical Python arrays. The data is copied to C++ data types.

class QwtArrayDouble
is a wrapper for QwtArray<double>, see 3.3.

class QwtArrayInt
is a wrapper for QwtArray<int>, see 3.3.

class QwtArrayLong
is a wrapper for QwtArray<long>, see 3.3.

class QwtArrayQwtDoublePoint
is a wrapper for QwtArray<QwtDoublePoint>, see 3.3.

class QwtArrowButton
is fully implemented.

void adjust(double *x, int n, int reset = 0)
is implemented as
autoScale.adjust(x, reset=0)
where x can be a Numerical Python array or a list or tuple convertible to a Numerical Python array and reset is a boolean.

class QwtAutoScale
is fully implemented.

class QwtCompass
is fully implemented.

class QwtCompassMagnetNeedle
is fully implemented.

class QwtCompassRose
is fully implemented.

class QwtCompassWindArrow
is fully implemented.

class QwtCounter
is fully implemented.

class QwtCurve

void setData(double *x, double *y, int size)
is implemented as
curve.setData(x, y)
where x and y can be any combination of lists, tuples and Numerical Python arrays. The data is copied to C++ data types.

void setRawData(double *x, double *y, int size)
is not Pythonic.

int verifyRange(int &i1, int &i2)
is implemented as:
length, first, last = curve.verifyRange(i1, i2)

class QwtData
is fully implemented.

class QwtDblRange
is fully implemented.

class QwtDiMap
is fully implemented.

class QwtDial
is fully implemented.

virtual void getScrollMode( const QPoint &point, int &mode, int &direction)
is implemented as:
mode, direction = wheel.getScrollMode(point)

class QwtDialNeedle
is fully implemented.

class QwtDialScaleDraw
is fully implemented.

class QwtDialSimpleNeedle
is fully implemented.

class QwtDoublePoint
is fully implemented.

class QwtDoublePointData
is fully implemented.

class QwtDoubleRect
is fully implemented.

class QwtDoubleSize
is fully implemented.

class QwtDynGridLayout
is fully implemented.

class QwtEventPattern
is fully implemented.

class QwtGrid
is fully implemented.

class QwtKnob
is fully implemented.

virtual void getScrollMode( const QPoint &point, int &mode, int &direction)
is implemented as:
mode, direction = wheel.getScrollMode(point)

class QwtLayoutMetrics
is fully implemented.

class QwtLegend
is fully implemented.

virtual QWidgetIntDictIt itemIterator()
is implented without the virtual specifier.

class QwtLegendButton
is fully implemented.

class QwtLegendItem
is fully implemented.

class QwtLegendLabel
is fully implemented.

class QwtMarker
is fully implemented.

class QwtMetricsMap
is fully implemented.

class QwtPaintBuffer
is fully implemented.

class QwtPainter
is fully implemented.

class QwtPicker
is fully implemented.

class QwtPickerClickPointMachine
is fully implemented.

class QwtPickerClickRectMachine
is fully implemented.

class QwtPickerDragPointMachine
is fully implemented.

class QwtPickerDragRectMachine
is fully implemented.

class QwtPickerMachine
is fully implemented.

class QwtPickerPolygonMachine
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlainText
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlot

void closestCurve( int xpos, int ypos, int &distance)
is not exposed to Python.

void closestCurve( int xpos, int ypos, int &distance, double &xval, double &yval, int &index)
is implemented as
dist, xval, yval, index = plot.closestCurve(xpos, ypos)

void closestMarker( int xpos, int ypos, int &distance)
is implemented as
dist = plot.closestMarker(xpos, ypos)

void print( QPrinter &printer, const QwtPlotPrintFilter &filter)
is implemented as
plot.print_(printer, filter)

void print( QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, const QwtPlotPrintFilter &filter)
is implemented as
plot.print_(painter, rect, filter)

class QwtPlotCanvas
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotCurve

void setData(double *x, double *y, int size)
is implemented as
curve.setData(x, y)
where x and y can be any combination of lists, tuples and Numerical Python arrays. The data is copied to C++ data types.

void setRawData(double *x, double *y, int size)
is not Pythonic.

int verifyRange(int &i1,int &i2)
is implemented as:
length, first, last = curve.verifyRange(i1, i2)

class QwtPlotCurveIterator
is a wrapper for QwtPlotCurveIterator and cannot be instantianated from Python, see 3.4.

class QwtPlotGrid
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotItem
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotItem
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotLayout
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotMappedItem
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotMarker
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotMarkerIterator
is a wrapper for QPlotMarkerIterator and cannot be instantianated from Python, see 3.4.

class QwtPlotPicker
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotPrintFilter
is fully implemented.

class QwtPlotZoomer
is fully implemented.

class QwtPushButton
is fully implemented.

class QwtRect
is fully implemented.

class QwtRichText
is fully implemented.

class QwtScale
is fully implemented.

void labelFormat( char &format, int &precision, int &fieldwidth)
is implemented as:
format, precision, fieldwidth = scale.labelFormat()

void minBorderDist( int &start, int &end)
is implemented as:
start, end = scale.minBorderDist()

class QwtScaleDiv
is fully implemented.

class QwtScaleDraw
is fully implemented.

void labelFormat( char &format, int &precision, int &fieldwidth)
is implemented as:
format, precision, fieldwidth = scaleDraw.labelFormat()

void tickLength( unsigned int &minLength, unsigned int &medLength, unsigned int &majLength)
is implemented as:
minLength, medLength, majLength = scaleDraw.tickLength()

virtual void labelPlacement( const QPFontMetrics &metrics, double value, QPoint &position, int &alignment, double &rotation)
is implemented as:
alignment, rotation = scaleDraw.labelPlacement(metrics, value, position)

class QwtScaleIf
is fully implemented.

class QwtSimpleCompassRose
is fully implemented.

class QwtSlider
is fully implemented.

virtual void getScrollMode( const QPoint &point, int &mode, int &direction)
is implemented as:
mode, direction = wheel.getScrollMode(point)

class QwtSliderBase
is fully implemented.

virtual void getScrollMode( const QPoint &point, int &mode, int &direction)
is implemented as:
mode, direction = wheel.getScrollMode(point)

class QwtSpline

int recalc( double *x, double *y, int n, int periodic = false)
is implemented as
success = spline.recalc(x, y, periodic)
where x and y can be any combination of lists, tuples and Numerical Python arrays and periodic is a boolean. The data is copied to C++ data types.

void copyValues(int enable = 1)
is not Pythonic, because PyQwt always copies the values.

class QwtSymbol
is fully implemented.

class QwtText
is fully implemented.

class QwtThermo
is fully implemented.

class QwtWheel
is fully implemented.

virtual void getScrollMode( const QPoint &point, int &mode, int &direction)
is implemented as:
mode, direction = wheel.getScrollMode(point)