2.1 Prerequisites

Note: You can install PyQwt-4.2.3 (compiled for Qt-3) side by side with PyQwt-5.0.x compiled for Qt-3 and Qt-4.

Build prerequisites for PyQwt-4.2.3.tar.gz:

  1. Python.
    Supported versions: Python-2.5.x, and -2.4.x.
  2. Qt.
    Supported versions: Qt-3.3.x, and Qt-3.2.x.
  3. sip-4.6.tar.gz.
    Supported versions: SIP-4.7, and -4.6.
  4. Either PyQt-x11-gpl-3.17.2.tar.gz, or PyQt-mac-gpl-3.17.2.tar.gz.
    Supported versions: PyQt-3.17.x.

The source package PyQwt-4.2.3.tar.gz contains the sources of the Qwt-4.2.0 library with a patch to force an update of the axis scales after zooming. You have the option to compile and link those sources statically into PyQwt (easiest for most users).

However, the configure.py script lets you build PyQwt against a shared or static Qwt-4.2.0 library.

To exploit the full power of the PyQwt, you should install at least one of the Numerical Python extensions: NumPy, numarray, or Numeric and built PyQwt with support for the numerical Python extension(s) of your choice.

PyQwt-4.2.3 and recent versions of the numerical Python extensions support the N-D array interface protocol. Therefore, PyQwt supports those extensions, even if they have not been installed when PyQwt has been built. However, the functionality is somewhat reduced in this case, since conversion from an QImage to a Numerical Python array is not supported.

I am using NumPy-1.0.3.tar.gz, numarray-1.5.2.tar.gz, and Numeric-24.2.tar.gz. NumPy is actively developed and recommended. numarray and Numeric are unmaintained.