#!/usr/bin/env python

from numpy import *

import sys
from PyQt4.Qwt3D import *
from PyQt4.Qt import *

# enable all tracing options of the SIP generated bindings (requires -r option)
if False:
    import sip

def matrix2d(nx, ny, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, function):
    """Return a data matrix to test the interface to the C++ member function 
    bool SurfacePlot::loadFromData(
        double **, unsigned int, unsigned int, double, double, double, double);
    # columns
    xs = multiply.outer(
        minx + ((maxx-minx)/(nx-1))*arange(nx), ones(ny, float))
    # rows
    ys = multiply.outer(
        ones((nx,), float), miny+((maxy-miny)/(ny-1))*arange(ny))
    return function(xs, ys)

# matrix2d()

def matrix3d(nx, ny, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, function):
    """Return a data matrix to test the interface to the C++ member function
    bool SurfacePlot::loadFromData(
        Triple **, unsigned int, unsigned int, bool = false, bool = false);
    xyzs = zeros((nx, ny, 3), float)
    # columns
    xyzs[:,:,0] = multiply.outer(
        minx + ((maxx-minx)/(nx-1))*arange(nx), ones(ny, float))
    # rows
    xyzs[:,:,1] = multiply.outer(
        ones((nx,), float), miny+((maxy-miny)/(ny-1))*arange(ny))
    # result
    xyzs[:,:,2] = function(xyzs[:,:,0], xyzs[:,:,1])
    return xyzs

# matrix3d()

def saddle(x, y):
    return x*y

# saddle()

class Plot(SurfacePlot):

    def __init__(self, *args):
        SurfacePlot.__init__(self, *args)
        # fonts
        family = QCoreApplication.instance().font().family()
        if 'Verdana' in QFontDatabase().families():
            family = 'Verdana'
        family = 'Courier'
        self.coordinates().setLabelFont(family, 14)
        self.coordinates().setNumberFont(family, 12)

        self.setBackgroundColor(RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 0.6))
        self.setRotation(30, 0, 15)
        self.setScale(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

        nx, ny, minx, maxx, miny, maxy = 3, 5, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0
        if True:
            zs = matrix2d(nx, ny, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, saddle)
            print type(zs)
            print zs
            self.loadFromData(zs, minx, maxx, miny, maxy)
            xyzs = matrix3d(nx, ny, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, saddle)
            print type(zs)
            print xyzs
        axes = self.coordinates().axes # alias

        for axis, label in ((X1, "x"), (Y1, "y"), (Z1, "z")):
            axes[axis].setMajors(5) # 6 major ticks
            axes[axis].setMinors(3) # 2 minor ticks

        self.coordinates().setGridLines(True, True)


    # __init__()

# class Plot

def make():
    demo = Plot()
    # Matrox cards on Linux work better with a resize() after show()
    demo.resize(600, 400)
    return demo

# make()

def main(args):
    app = QApplication(args)
    demo = make()

# main()

# Admire
if __name__ == '__main__':

# Local Variables: ***
# mode: python ***
# End: ***